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Without our Volunteers, there would not be a Miracle League.  Our Volunteers  make it happen. 


If you are interested in volunteering for the Miracle League we have many options both on and off of the field.  You won’t be sorry that you volunteered.

The Miracle League uses Youth and Adult Volunteers.  Our Youth Volunteers must be from 12 to 17 years old.  Our Adult Volunteers are 18 years old and older.  Except for our Manager, Game Coordinator, and Team Parent positions, all volunteer positions are available to our Youth Volunteers.

Ages are based on the Volunteer’s age as of May 1st.

To register as a volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Registration Form on our Registration Portal by CLICKING HERE

To learn more about each positions click on the links below.


What is a Miracle League Buddy?

  • Miracle League Buddies are assigned a player for each game. The buddy is there to protect the player from balls, assist the player in batting and running the bases (if needed), and to be a friend on and off the field. Buddies receive a Miracle League Buddy t-shirt for their participation.

Who is eligible to be a buddy?


  • Buddies are youth (ages 12 and up) and adults who play or enjoy baseball and softball-or just like to have fun. These include family members and local youth and civic groups to mention a few. Though we call them Buddies, many people refer to the volunteers as Angels in the Outfield.


How do I become a Buddy?


  • Formal Buddy registration is open for the upcoming season. If you are interested or want to get more information, please register in the registration section of the web site and indicate you are interested in being a Buddy.

What is the idea behind the Buddy Program?

  • Being a buddy allows parents, children and volunteers to come together to help special needs individuals. The Buddy Program has great impact on all participants. Buddies and players alike learn valuable skills like patience, understanding and compassion.


What is required of a Buddy?


  • Buddies need to be energetic, committed and enthusiastic for each game. We encourage buddies to keep a consistent schedule. This allows for Miracle players to grow more comfortable with their new friends. Buddies are responsible for their individual player from the time of introduction until the player is back in the care of their parent/guardian. This means that no matter where their player goes the buddy must go.


Do I stay with the same player all season?


  • In order to encourage friendships, Buddies are assigned to the same child or team for the entire season. However, we also welcome buddies who may not have assigned players, but who cover where needed.


Is there special training involved?


  • Each buddy is required to complete a basic skills training course. This “sensitivity” training provides guidelines, suggestions, and directions on how to have fun and make the experience safe and enjoyable.


What is expected of me on game days?


  • Buddies are expected to protect the Miracle League player at all times. When a hard hitter is up at bat, buddies are to step in front of the Miracle League player for protection. Always allow the Miracle League player as much freedom as possible to play his/her game and position. Assist the Miracle League player according to their needs. Arrive at the field 30 minutes prior to game time. Notify the Miracle League Buddy Coordinator at least 24 hours prior to game time if they will not be able to attend the game. Be properly dressed in the Buddies t-shirt. Demonstrate high morals and integrity on and off the field.


Can I receive credit for service hours?


  • Students can receive credit and, if necessary, a written recommendation towards their service hour requirements for school or other organizations upon completion of a full season.

Buddy Program


  • Insure a safe playing environment.

  • A Manager is an important volunteer position in the Miracle League. It is probably one of the most rewarding, too.

  • Each team will have one Manager.

  • A Manager is responsible for all aspects of their team to include communicating to parents, players, and team volunteers.

  • The two Managers during the game are responsible for everything that happens inside of the fence on the field.

  • All Managers must pass a criminal background and child abuse background check.

  • Coordinate team activities with the coaching staff and maintain contact with players and families.

  • Insure that each player receives a uniform.

  • Communicate concerns regarding specific players to the League officials.

  • Manage team equipment and insures its arrival before each game.

  • Provide copies of team line-up to umpire and announcer before each game.

  • Make sure players have the opportunity to learn new skills. Keep up the team spirit.

  • Pitch.

  • Monitor weather before and during the game and determine whether or not to cancel or postpone.



Buddy Team Leaders
  • Insure a safe playing environment.

  • A Buddy Team Leader is responsible for coordinating all aspects and activities for the Buddies assigned to a team and communicating with the Buddies.

  • Each team will have one or more Buddy Team Leaders assigned.

  • Insure that each player has an assigned Buddy if required by the league.

  • Each team will be assigned more Buddies than players to allow for schedule conflicts.

  • Contact their Buddies before a game is played to determine who will be at the game to make sure players are covered.


  • Insure a safe playing environment.

  • Get lineups from each team before starting the game.

  • Should be aware of time to get the game started, moving along, and finished within the time period.

  • Be enthusiastic.

  • Announce the lineups before each game begins.

  • Announce each batter and jersey number when they come to bat.

  • Announce each runner as they score at home.

  • Announce the score after each half inning.

  • Have someone sing “Take Me Out To The Ball Game” between the 1st and 2nd innings.

  • Play music between innings.

  • Operate the scoreboard. It’s really easy.

  • The Announcer sets the tone for the game.



  • Insure a safe playing environment.

  • Should always demonstrate enthusiasm, love and concern for each player, buddy, and volunteer.

  • There should be one to two umpires per game.

  • The umpire should start each game with a loud and clear “Play Ball!”

  • The umpire is to call each child safe at first base and home plate.

  • The umpire should wear the approved Miracle League umpire shirt and should be presentable and clean at all games.

  • The umpire should arrive 15 minutes before each game.

  • The umpire will call the beginning and ending of each game at the appropriate time.

  • The umpire is to assist coaches and players as necessary.


  • Insure a safe playing environment.

  • Assist the Manager with the team as needed.

  • Pitch.

  • Act as the Manager when the Manager is not available.

  • Verifies that each player has an assigned Buddy


Team Parents
  • Insure a safe playing environment.

  • Assist the Manager and Coaches with communication to the team.

  • Watch for over heating, dehydration and overexertion.

  • Provide health issues and special requirements to the manager and coach.

© 2023 Miracle League of Southwestern, PA 

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